The 2nd Annual Symposium on Poetry Criticism on July 28-30, 2011

The 2nd Annual Symposium on Poetry Criticism on July 28-30, 2011

To be held at Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado

Founded by Jan Schreiber and David J. Rothman

Participants include the CPR’s Ernest Hilbert, Joan Houlihan, David J. Rothman, Jan Schreiber, and James Matthew Wilson. Marilyn Krysl, Marilyn Taylor, and David Yezzi will also be presenting at the symposium.

Main page:

The schedule of events:

To register:

The annual Symposium on Poetry Criticism was co-founded by David Rothman and Jan Schreiber in 2010 to address a growing sense that critical writing — reviews as well as more global discussions of the state of contemporary literature — has lost its way. Aware that many writers and critics wished to shine a light on an activity most essential to a strong poetic culture, to make it less routine and more conscious and probing, Schreiber and Rothman initiated a conference that brings together some of the foremost poet-critics now active to discuss problems, objectives, and associated artistic and technical issues.

This year’s symposium will take place July 28-30 during the Writing the Rockies conference, a writers’ conference that runs in conjunction with Western’s annual MFA summer residency. All MFA candidates are automatically enrolled in the conference. All other interested writers and critics are invited and encouraged to attend.

If you have questions about the symposium, email [email protected].

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