The Celebrations of Life Aren’t Over Yet

Painting the House by Bibhu Padhi. Hyderabad: Orient Longman. 1999. 79 pp.
In Indian English poetry Bibhu Padhi belongs to the second generation of post-Independence poets.… continue reading...
Painting the House by Bibhu Padhi. Hyderabad: Orient Longman. 1999. 79 pp.
In Indian English poetry Bibhu Padhi belongs to the second generation of post-Independence poets.… continue reading...
Bare Face by Jayanta Mahapatra. Kottayam: DC Books (India), 2000. $7.95.
As Reviewed By: Rabindra K. Swain
Today, when India is known abroad more for her fiction than her poetry, Jayanta Mahapatra’s sixteenth volume, Bare Face, arrives.… continue reading...
Uncollected Poems and Prose by A. K. Ramanujan. Edited by Molly Daniels-Ramanujan and Keith Harrison. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001.
As Reviewed By: Rabindra K.… continue reading...
Reasons for Belonging: Fourteen Contemporary Indian Poets, edited by Ranjit Hoskote. Viking (New Delhi) 2002. 148 pages. 195 Rupees.
As Reviewed By: Rabindra K. Swain
“For a time,” warns Michael Roberts in his introduction to the first edition of the influential anthology The Faber Book of Modern Verse, “the false poem may be more popular than the true one could have been.”… continue reading...
As Interviewed By: Rabindra Swain
& Preston Merchant
Jayanta Mahapatra was born in 1928 in Cuttack, in the Indian state of Orissa. Trained as a scientist, he taught college physics for thirty-six years.… continue reading...