In the Grey Zone

The Rampage by Miroslav Holub. Translated by David Young, with Dana Hábová, Rebekah Bloyd and the author. London: Faber, 1998. £7.99.
Narození Sisyfovo: Básné 1989-1997 by Miroslav Holub.… continue reading...
The Rampage by Miroslav Holub. Translated by David Young, with Dana Hábová, Rebekah Bloyd and the author. London: Faber, 1998. £7.99.
Narození Sisyfovo: Básné 1989-1997 by Miroslav Holub.… continue reading...
Sean O’Brien, The Deregulated Muse: Essays on Contemporary British and Irish Poetry. Bloodaxe Books. £10.95
Robin Riley Fast, The Heart as Drum: Continuance and Resistance in American Indian Poetry.… continue reading...
Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000 by Lucille Clifton. Boa Editions. 132pp. $15.00
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
Lucille Clifton came to prominence in the Black Arts movement in the late 1960s, but this selected poems covers a less dramatic period as the poet moves into middle- and then old-age.… continue reading...
Simon Armitage & Robert Crawford, eds. The Penguin Book of Poetry from Britain and Ireland Since 1945. Viking. 443pp. £25
Michael Schmidt, ed. The Harvill Book of Twentieth-Century Poetry in English.… continue reading...
Poetry at One Remove: Essays by John Koethe. University of Michigan Press, 2000.
The Constructor by John Koethe. HarperFlamingo, 2000.
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
John Koethe is one of the small number of prominent American poets who does not make a living by teaching creative writing.… continue reading...
Squares and Courtyards by Marilyn Hacker. Norton, 2000. $21.00
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
Poetic autobiography has always been the grand theme of the poetry of Marilyn Hacker.… continue reading...
By: Justin Quinn
The main transformations in American literature over the last thirty years have had a strong effect on poetry as well: the consolidation of African-American writers, the emergence of Native-American, Asian-American and Chicano writers, as well as gay writers, to name but a few.… continue reading...
Sylvia Plath: A Critical Study by Tim Kendall. Faber & Faber/FSG. $15.00 (paper).
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
It has always been difficult to disentangle critical appreciations of the poetry of Sylvia Plath from the lurid anecdotage that surrounds her life and premature death.… continue reading...
Spontaneous Mind: Selected Interviews, 1958-1996. Edited by David Carter. HarperCollins, 2001. $40.00 (hbk).
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
Does Allen Ginsberg need an introduction? Arguably, not at all.… continue reading...
Words Alone: The Poet T. S. Eliot by Denis Donoghue . Yale UP, 326pp.
Adam’s Curse: Reflections on Religion and Literature by Denis Donoghue. University of Notre Dame Press, $24.95 192pp.… continue reading...
Eve Patten. Samuel Ferguson and the Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Four Courts Press. 207pp.
R.F. Foster. W.B. Yeats: A Life. II: The Arch Poet, 1915-1939.… continue reading...
James Merrill’s Apocalypse by Timothy Materer. Cornell UP.
Familiar Spirits: A Memoir of James Merrill and David Jackson by Alison Lurie. Viking.
As Reviewed By: Justin Quinn
The publication of James Merrill’s Collected Poems this year has made his long poem, The Changing Light at Sandover, appear somewhat eccentric to the course of his career.… continue reading...
A.R. Ammons, Collected Poems, 1951-1971. W.W. Norton & Co. $19.95 (paper). 396pp.
A.R. Ammons, A Coast of Trees. W.W. Norton & Co. $11.00 (paper).… continue reading...